It is made sterile, like sowing, with the same care and the same kind of work space. It is to be filled using a long spatula or forceps, the seedlings from one box to the other. This is necessary when the seedlings have grown and they are too tight against each other.
When transplanting?
Once your seeds have sprouted and line completely agar
When protocorms are too tight
When the seedlings reach the top of your container
Choice of container
Choose at first the 450ml cans. If your plants are growing too high, prefer 700ml cans.
We offer 2 types of hormones:
BAP - Benzylaminopurine (cytokinin) for better growth
ANA - naphthalene acid: for a better rooting.
These are homones to use in very small quantities and to put in the middle during the preparation thereof. You will have better results. (manual of hormones on the products)
Transplanting photos
Small photo report with special boxes Micropropagation (thank you to Estelle C. for collaboration)
Preparing the work area. All elements are placed in the glove box and sprayed with bleach.
Glove box closed, waiting time elapsed sterilization, manipulation may begin.
Opening boxes (here lindenii x Cornu-cervi chattaladae)
Separation of young seedlings
Selection of seddling plants
New boxes for plants that are able to thrive.
Once your planting done, the bottles will be placed in your grow room. Once the seedlings large enough, you can take them out.