Phalaenopsis stuartiana

- Categories : My Plants

Synonyms: Phalaenopsis schilleriana var. stuartiana (Rchb.f 1882), Phalaenopsis schilleriana var. vestalis (Rchb.f 1882), Phalaenopsis stuartiana var. bella (Rchb.f 1888), Phalaenopsis schilleriana var. alba (Roebelen 1890), Phalaenopsis schilleriana subvar. vestalis (Veitch 1891)

Origins: Northeastern Mindanao (provinces of Agusan and Surigao). Panama (Colon Island in the Bocas Del Toro archipelago).

My Note: In my opinion, this is one of the most astonishing Phalaenopsis, both in terms of its flowering and its beautifully tessellated foliage.

This plant has only advantages, highly accessible with several variants (sogo, punctatissima, yellow), very floriferous, and easy to cultivate. If you're just starting with orchids, don't hesitate to dive in with a stuartiana.

Personally, I must have 3 or 4 different ones. When I say I adore them!

How I Grow It: I repot it in a substrate of horticultural rock wool, provide strong light, and use suitable fertilizer with each watering. Warm temperatures ranging from 22°C to 28°C (72°F to 82°F).

My Recommendations:

1 - Before buying this plant, make sure you have the proper conditions for it.

2 - The leaves will quickly elongate, so make sure to have enough space to let it hang.

3 - It's a 'very warm' orchid; the hotter, the better.

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